Currently Crafting - Progress on DMC "Roses" Cross Stitch

 I've managed to make a lot of progress on this Roses cross stitch in the past week. It's been an easy but engaging project to work on, and I'm really loving the colors. At this point I've almost completed each of the elements except the small flower and a few of the bottom leaves. 

I think I will finish this one in the hoop, as the light wood really works nicely with the pinks and greens. I have a feeling finishing might take longer than the stitching, as I'm not a huge fan of the lacing process. 

If I have any cross stitchers reading with tips on how you like to finish your projects in the hoop, I'd love to hear them!

Filling in the top rose, and adding more leaf detail.

Top rose completed, and more leaves and stems added.

Adding the bottoms leaves, almost ready for the final flower.


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