Currently Crafting... DMC "Roses" Cross-Stitch

 This past week I decided to ignore my various in-progress creations and start on this small DMC cross-stitch kit, titled "Roses." Even though I've been cross-stitching for years and have a large collection of patterns and floss, kits like these are still my favorite to make - probably because the planning piece is done for me.

This is my first progress shot, this was after two sittings, maybe about two hours of work? These flowers have a lot of short color runs, so it takes more time to switch colors than actually stitch I find.

Last night I moved on to the second (top) flower, which took about an hour to stitch. I have a few spots left on the large lower flower that I will return to, as they only require short pieces of floss. I plan to move on to the leaves next, as they are longer runs of color and provide a nice break from fiddly color changes.

Here is a picture of what the completed item will look like from DMC's website, for perspective. I will probably finish it in the hoop as shown, or a wooden frame depending on the completed piece in relation to a standard frame size.

Are you crafting anything new? Or maybe working through older WIPS (works in progress)? 


  1. Hi
    I found your blog from The Frugal Girl website. I enjoyed getting caught on the posts. I currently have a lap quilt that just needs the binding ( for about a year) so maybe this is the week to finish it. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for leaving me a comment, I really appreciate it! I find finishing projects is often the hardest part. You can do it!

  2. Found you from FG as well. I do like to cross stitch and am right now working on a simple project for my dining room.
    Will be reading more of your posts!

    1. Hi Gina! Thanks for reading - I'm glad you'll be back. My New Year's resolution is to post more regularly, so I hope you enjoy, I'll be checking out your blog too. I really enjoy cross stitch in the winter months, especially the simpler projects that show progress quickly!


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