WWS & WWA and... Plan & Prep Catch-Up!

 The past few weeks have been incredibly busy, and I lost track of my posting cadence... so I'd like to catch you up with a WWS & WWA from March 26th - April 1st, and a Plan & Prep from April 3rd - April 9th. I figured I'd pull them into one post, since I know I'm a few receipts short, and well, WWA tends to all blend together after a while! 

What We Spent: March 26th - April 1st

I scored a major bacon haul at Shaw's, they had a bunch of the butcher's bacon packed up in the clearance case for $2.99 per pound! That bacon discount made up about 90% of the week's spending. I also stopped in to Market Basket to pick up a few fresh items.

Unfortunately my receipts from that week accidently made it into the recycling, but the total for both stops was $67.16 according to my card statement.

March ended up wayyy over our normal budget of $200, but that's why I use the term "budget" loosely, as some months are much higher than others, with it typically averaging out to $200 a month over the course of a year. This year I've been more reluctant to eat down my freezer too much, as COVID has disrupted supply chains, and I'd like to be able to wait out those higher prices while the supply chain re-stabilized itself. In our area so far I've still been seeing excellent sales, especially on meat, so I've actually stocked up a bit more than I normally would. I'm sure we will see some lower months still through the summer like we typically do, since we grow lots of our own veggies.

Total for 4th Week of March: $67.16
Total for March: $348.21
Cumulative Total for 2021: $792.43

What We Ate: March 26th - April 1st

Planned & Prepped - Did it Go as Planned?

Yes! The past few weeks we have done really well sticking to our meal plan, probably because we've been to busy to cook anything not planned! Some of my meals also made more servings than expected, leaving us with extra servings.

The Korean Beef recipe from Damn Delicious that I tried was a hit, and so so simple! I would highly recommend checking it out.

Meal Plan & Prep: April 3rd - 9th

Meal Plan (Monday - Friday)

Breakfasts for the Week
  • Berry Overnight Oats
  • Toast w/ Peanut Butter
  • Bagel Egg & Ham Sandwich
Lunches for the Week
  • Korean Beef w/ Roasted Peppers
  • Leftover Mashed Potatoes & Cabbage w/ Hamburger or Sausage
  • Leftover Rotisserie Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, & Green Beans
  • Leftover Steak, Mac & Cheese, & Green Beans
  • Leftover Smothered Chicken, Pasta, & Green Beans
Various Leftovers Prepped for Lunches

Korean Beef Bowls

Dinners for the Week 
  • Monday - Breaded Chicken w/ Green Beans, Carrots, and Rice
  • Tuesday - Chicken Nuggets & Kraft Mac & Cheese
  • Wednesday - Shepard's Pie & Green Beans
  • Thursday - Smothered Chicken w/ Rice & Green Beans
  • Friday - Pizza at a Local Brewery for Ben's Birthday
Green Beans & Carrots Prepped for Dinners plus Leftovers Prepped for Lunches

Snacks for the Week
  • Strawberries, Grapes, Goldfish, Cocoa Almonds
  • Also Available: carrots, popcorn, cheese sticks, nuts, pretzels, etc
Over the weekend I also made sausage & pepper wonton cups to share with family. These are super simple to make and always a hit! Plus I had everything on hand in my freezer to pull them together at the last minute.

Again, apologies for the short catch-up post, but hopefully this puts us back on schedule!


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